Support US Freestyle Kayaking Athletes


Dear Readers, I'm back! Sorry for the hiatus, but every now and then you need time to recharge your batteries. They are now full and recharged and I've got a great line up of posts coming from some awesome stuff I had the privilege to experience this spring and summer so far.

But first, I want to put a request out there for all of you to support the US Freestyle Kayaking Team! In this economy, sponsorships for our top athletes in the lesser known Olympic level events has all but dried up. For those of you familiar with Slalom Kayaking, which is a downriver race through a whitewater course with slalom gates, Freestyle Kayaking is kind of like Freestyle Skiing with all the exciting tricks, but in whitewater. The 2009 World Championships are in August in Thun, Switzerland, and many of our US athletes need help in financing their travel to Switzerland so that they can compete.

Below is the letter from my good friend, Brian Jennings. If you've followed my blog at all, you know that Brian is the River Manager at North American River Runners in West Virginia.


We've R2-ed the Upper Gauley three times together. But he's also a world class kayaker in addition to being an awesome raft guide. He's competed professionally for most of the last decade, and this is the first time that Brian has made the World Team.

Please, if you are in a position to help at all, read his letter below and consider making a contribution to him directly. Or you can send me any dollar amount from $1 to a $100 or more at my paypal address:, and I'll get your contributions to Brian.

Thank you so much for your support!
To whom it may concern,

Greetings! My name is Brian Jennings. I am a proud member of the 2009 US Freestyle Kayak Team, and am currently attempting thru family, friends and local businesses, to raise funds to help offset the costs of traveling to the World Freestyle Kayaking Championships in Thun, Switzerland in late August.

As a professional paddler for the past 8 years, making the US Team is the result of years of hard work and dedication. Unfortunately, the state of the global economy has made travel with a kayak, and overseas lodging an expensive proposition, and made financial support from sponsors nearly impossible. Please consider making a donation today in support of my personal participation, and/or towards the entire US Freestyle Kayak Team. I would be extremely grateful for any type of support you are able to provide, including:

Cash – donation toward my personal travel & competition expenses (estimated $3000 per athlete)

Contribution of products - to be used by US Team Members in recognition of the efforts and dedication to kayaking and paddle sports

Sponsorship of a major auction item - to raffle at USA Team fundraiser at the Outdoor Retailer Convention and/or auctioned in the boater communities on-line.

Cash and product donations can be sent to me at the address below. Please contact me at regarding the donation of a major auction item.

Thank you again for your time and consideration of assisting me reach the World Championships, and I’ll look forward to hearing from you.


Brian A. Jennings
2009 US Freestyle Kayak Team
105 Francesa St, Fayetteville WV 25840
Thanks for reading!
