Almost Wordless Wednesday: Thanksgiving Turkey


How to Cook Your Turkey
1) Fully thaw your turkey in your refrigerator before cooking Thanksgiving Day.
2) Set your oven to 350 Degrees
3) Fill a Deep Roasting Pan One Inch Deep with Chicken Broth.
4) Place Thawed Turkey in Roasting Pan
5) Cover with Reynolds Plastic Wrap
6) Cover Plastic Wrap with Aluminum Foil
7) Cook Until the Internal Temperature of the Thigh reaches at least 165 Degrees for fifteen seconds.

1) Do NOT cook stuffing inside the bird. The Stuffing will insulate the turkey and slow cooking time. It is possible to contract food-bourne illnesses from incomplete cooking and cross-contamination when cooking other foods inside the turkey.
2) Using a meat thermometer, check the temperature of the thigh after two hours, and every thirty minutes thereafter until the internal temperature reaches at least 165 degrees.
3) When using plastic wrap and aluminum foil, it is not necessary to baste your turkey. The Plastic wrap and tin foil with the chicken broth will keep your turkey nice and moist.

Though there is no real evidence that turkey was served at the Pilgrim's first Thanksgiving, through ages it became an indispensable part of the Thanksgiving tradition. The tradition of turkey is rooted in the 'History Of Plymouth Plantation', written by William Bradford some 22 years after the actual celebration.

Thanks for reading.

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Jena Isle said...

Hi Matt,

May I ask a question? This may seem to be a silly question but I am just wondering why turkey and not chicken is your thanksgiving food. I know I can research this, but , well, I'm taking the easy way. Thanks.

November 26, 2008 1:31 PM
tashabud said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you Matt. I know you said not to stuff the turkey. But I do it all the time. Stuffing that's cooked inside a turkey is the best tasting kind. Just make sure that the proper temperature is achieved before taking the turkey out.


November 26, 2008 1:56 PM
Amy Lilley Designs said...

Hiya Matt...greetings from NYC...a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...we certainly have MUCH to be grateful for...blessings, blessings,


November 26, 2008 7:51 PM
Dave said...

If, additionally, you brine your turkey, you will almost eliminate the possibility of overcooking the bird. I brine mine every year and it's been moist and tender 100% of the time. A basic brine is best.

November 27, 2008 10:29 PM
Matthew S. Urdan said...

Jena--Jena, see my post tomorrow on the History of Thanksgiving, but it's mostly because the Turkey is an American Bird that populated the eastern and southern US and was available to be hunted by the colonists. Ben Franklin even argued for it to be the National Bird of the U.S. over the Bald Eagle. I'm glad we opted for the Eagle. I'd hate to be referred to as a nation of turkeys.

Tasha. Thank you! Well, if you're going to cook the stuffing in the turkey, just make sure you cook it fast and cook it to the temperature. Any cook time over four hours puts you and your family at risk for salmonella and other food bourne illnesses.

Amy, thank you very much, and yes we do.

Dave--thanks for the feedback and the tip on the brine!

I hope everyone had an awesome holiday!

November 29, 2008 10:05 AM

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